ITI Domain

IT Infrastructure (ITI) Domain


This section contains guidance on IHE offerings given a knowledge domain:

Technical Framework

All Normative Final Text Profiles:

Public Comment

The IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Committee has published the following supplement for public comment in the period from March 14, 2025 through April 14, 2025:

Comments on this Implementation Guide should be submitted by April 14, 2025. Submit your comments here or create an ITI.mCSD GitHub Issue.

Supplements for Trial Implementation

The IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Committee invites organizations to begin development work based on the following supplements to the IT Infrastructure Technical Framework. These trial implementation profiles are eligible for testing at subsequent IHE Connectathons.


User handbooks provide advice, examples, and considerations for the use of IHE ITI profiles.

White Papers

The IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Committee has published the following white papers. These white papers facilitate the use of existing IHE ITI profiles or scope the need for future profiles.


Please note the following regarding ITI Archives:

  • As of Revision 17 (March 2021), the ITI Technical Framework has been published as HTML and is identified above with the icon. Archives of the HTML publication since Revision 17 are available as described here. The ITI Technical Framework prior to Revision 17 was published in PDF format and archives are available on the IT Infrastructure Archives page as discussed below.
  • Some additional IT Infrastructure documents (e.g., supplements, white papers, and handbooks) are published as HTML and are identified above with the icon. For these documents, archives of the HTML publication are available as described here. Prior PDF format archives are available on the IT Infrastructure Archives page as discussed below.
  • Additionally, some IT Infrastructure specifications (e.g., MHD, MHDS, mCSD) are published as HTML Implementation Guides and are identified above with the icons. For these specifications, the superseded version(s) can be found on the "Version History Table" page as described here. Prior PDF format archives are available on the IT Infrastructure Archives page as discussed below.
  • Supplements, white papers, and handbooks published in PDF form, or prior versions of all specifications in PDF form, can be found at the IT Infrastructure Archives as described below.

The IT Infrastructure Archives page contains deprecated PDF supplements and superseded versions of the Technical Framework Volumes, white papers and handbooks. As of July 2012, it also contains:

  • Superseded versions of trial implementation supplements
  • Current published versions of the Technical Framework Volumes and supplements

Current documents (published July 2012 or later) have generic files names, for example:

  • IHE_ITI_TF_Vol1
  • IHE_ITI_Suppl_RMU

Those links will always return the newest document and support linking to specific sections (section linking details here).

File names on the archive page include revision numbers, status and date of publication, and can be used to link to specific versions of a document:

  • IHE_PCC_TF_Rev17-0_Vol1_FT_2020-07-20
  • IHE_PCC_Suppl_RMU_Rev1-3_TI_2021-07-02