Eye Care (EYECARE) Domain
Comments and implementer feedback on all documents can be submitted at Eye Care Public Comments. Additionally, for documents maintained in the IHE GitHub Repository (if any), a link to submit GitHub issues is included following the document name in the lists below.
Technical Framework (Revision 4.0)
- June 14, 2016
- Copyright © 2016: IHE International, Inc.
- All Normative Final Text Profiles
These Technical Framework Volumes provide specification of the following profiles:
- Eye Care Workflow (EYECARE) – Retired 2016-06-14
- Charge Posting (CHG)
- Eye Care Evidence Documents (ECED)
- Eye Care Displayable Report (ECDR)
- Unified Eye Care Workflow (U-EYECARE)
Brief descriptions of these profiles are available here.
Public Comment
Submit your comments here. Additionally, for documents maintained in the IHE GitHub Repository (if any), a link to submit GitHub issues is included following the document name in the list below.
The following documents are currently open for Public Comment:
- None currently
Supplements for Trial Implementation
Submit your comments here. Additionally, for documents maintained in the IHE GitHub Repository (if any), a link to submit GitHub issues is included following the document name in the lists below.
The IHE Eye Care Technical Committee invites organizations to begin development work based on the following supplements to the Eye Care Technical Framework. These trial implementation profiles are eligible for testing at subsequent IHE Connectathons.
- Basic Eye Care Workflow (B-EYECARE) – Retired 2016-06-14
- C-CDA Based General Eye Evaluation (GEE) - Revised 2016-12-29
- Core Eye Care Workflow (C-EYECARE) – Retired 2016-06-14
- Eye Care Appointment Scheduling (ECAS) - Published 2010-05-03
- Eye Care Summary Record (EC-Summary) - Published 2017-09-15
- Key Measurements in DICOM Encapsulated PDF - Published 2019-05-30
- Unified Eye Care Workflow Refractive Measurements - Revised 2016-06-29
White Papers
The Eye Care Technical Committee has published the following white papers. These white papers facilitate the use of existing IHE Eye Care profiles or scope the need for future profiles.
- None at this time
The archives page contains deprecated supplements and superseded versions of the Technical Framework volumes, white papers and handbooks. As of July 2012, it also contains:
- Superseded versions of trial implementation supplements
- Current published versions of the Technical Framework volumes and supplements
Current documents (published July 2012 or later) have generic files names, for example:
These links always return the most recent published document and support linking (Technical Framework Volumes only) to specific sections (section linking details here).
File names on the archives page include revision numbers, status and date of publication, and can be used to link to specific versions of a document:
- IHE_EYECARE_TF_Rev4-0_Vol1_FT_2016-06-14
- IHE_EYECARE_Suppl_GEE_Rev2-2_TI_2016-12-29