Patient Demographics Query for mobile (PDQm)
2.2.1 - public-comment

This page is part of the IHE Patient Demographics Query for Mobile (v2.4.0: Trial Implementation) based on FHIR R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

1:38.1 Actors and Transactions

Figure 38.1-1 shows the actors directly involved in the Patient Demographics Query for Mobile Profile and the relevant transactions between them. Note that the actors in this profile are the same as the actors defined in the PDQ Profile (ITI TF-1: 8.1).

Patient DemographicsConsumerPatient DemographicsSupplierMobile PatientDemographicsQuery [ITI-78]

Figure 38.1: PQDm Actor Diagram

Table 38.1-1: PDQm; Profile - Actors and Transactions

Actors Transactions Initiator or Responder Optionality Reference
Patient Demographics Consumer Mobile Patient Demographics Query [ITI-78] Initiator R ITI TF-2:3.78
Patient Demographics Supplier Mobile Patient Demographics Query [ITI-78] Responder R ITI TF-2:3.78

Note 1: The transaction defined in this profile corresponds to Patient Demographics Query [ITI-21] in the PDQ Profile (ITI TF-1:8) and provides similar functionality. Note that there is no transaction which corresponds to the Patient Demographics and Visit Query [ITI-22].

1:38.1.1 Actor Descriptions and Actor Profile Requirements

No additional requirements.

1:38.1.2 Transaction Descriptions

The transactions in this profile are summarized in the sections below.

1: PQDm Mobile Patient Demographics Query transaction

Mobile Patient Demographics Query is used by the Patient Demographics Consumer to solicit information about patients whose demographics data match data provided in the query parameters on the request message. The request is received by the Patient Demographics Supplier. The Patient Demographics Supplier processes the request and returns a response in the form of demographics information for the matching patients.

For more details see the detailed transaction description