IHE ITI Technical Framework
The Final Text ITI Technical Framework is published here in HTML format and is no longer published as PDF. Trial Implementation supplements are available from the Volume 1 Table of Contents.

Appendix R: Mapping of HL7v2.5 to HL7v3 for PIX and PDQ

R.1 Data Types

The following table describes the mapping between HL7 v2.5 and HL7 v3 data types:

HL7 v2.5 Data Type HL7 v3 Data Type
HD (on the field level) Instance Identifier (II)
Namespace ID Assigning Authority Name (optional)
Universal ID root
Universal ID Type Not mapped – the universal ID/root must be an ISO OID

  extension is not used

CX Instance Identifier (II)
ID (ST) extension
Check digit (ST) Not mapped
Code identifying the check digit (ST) Not mapped
assigning authority (HD) Namespace ID (IS) Assigning Authority Name (optional)
Universal ID (ST) root

Universal ID Type (IS)

(required to be “ISO”)

Not mapped – the universal ID/root must be an ISO OID
identifier type code (ID) Not mapped
assigning facility (HD) Not mapped
effective date (DT) ValidTime
expiration date (DT) ValidTime
XPN Person Name (PN)
ID Number (ST)
Family Name (FN) Family Part type
given name (ST) Given Part type
Second or other given names or initials thereof (ST) Given Part type – order of parts matters
suffix (e.g., JR or III) (ST) Suffix Part type
prefix (e.g., DR) (ST) Prefix Part type
degree (e.g., MD) (IS) Suffix Part type
Name Representation code (ID)
name context (CE)
name validity range (DR) ValidTime
name assembly order (ID)
Name type code (ID) Name Use Code
XTN Telecom (TEL)
[999-] 999-9999 [x99999][C any text] (TN)
telecommunication use code (ID) Telecom Use Code
telecommunication equipment type (ID) Reflected in the URL scheme of the URI (e.g., fax:) – see RFC2806
Email address (ST) URL Scheme code = mailto
Country Code (NM) Part of the tel: URI (see RFC3966)
Area/city code (NM) Part of the tel: URI (see RFC3966)
Phone Number (NM) Part of the tel: URI (see RFC3966)
Extension (NM) Use of ";ext=" in the URI (see RFC3966)
any text (ST) Not mapped

R.2 Add New Person Message

Version 2.5 Conformance Profile Version 3 Message
Message Segment Field Name Components Data Type Conf Message Information Model Attribute Name Data Type Data Type Component Mapping Req'd? Conf Comments
Field Separator ST R Not Applicable
Encoding Characters ST R Not Applicable
Sending Application HD R MCCI_RM000100IHE - Send Message Payload Device.id SET <II> R Mapped SET<II> data type components to v2.5 HD components. See table above.
Namespace ID IS O Y R
Universal ID ST O Y R
Universal ID Type ID O Y R
Sending Facility HD R MCCI_RM000100IHE - Send Message Payload Organization.id SET <II> R Mapped SET<II> data type components to v2.5 HD components. See table above.
Namespace ID IS O Y R
Universal ID ST O Y R
Universal ID Type ID O Y R
Receiving Application HD R MCCI_RM000100IHE - Send Message Payload Device.id SET <II> R Mapped SET<II> data type components to v2.5 HD components. See table above.
Namespace ID IS O Y
Universal ID ST O Y
Universal ID Type ID O Y
Receiving Facility HD R MCCI_RM000100IHE - Send Message Payload Organization.id SET <II> R Mapped SET<II> data type components to v2.5 HD components. See table above.
Namespace ID IS O Y
Universal ID ST O Y
Universal ID Type ID O Y
Date/Time Of Message TS R MCCI_RM000100IHE - Send Message Payload Message.creationTime TS Y R
Date/Time NM O MCCI_RM000100IHE - Send Message Payload Message.creationTime TS Y R
Degree of Precision ST O
Security ST O MCCI_RM000100IHE - Send Message Payload Message.securityText ST O
Message Type CM_MSG R
Message type ID R MCCI_RM000100IHE - Send Message Payload Message.interactionId II Y R
Trigger event ID R MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act ControlActProcess.code CD CWE Y R
Message structure ID R Not mapped as interaction.Id expresses both message type and message structure
Message Control ID ST R  Message.id  II  Only the id.root is valued
Processing ID PT R MCCI_RM000100IHE - Send Message Payload Message.processingCode CS CNE R
Processing ID ID O MCCI_RM000100IHE - Send Message Payload Message.processingCode CS CNE R
Processing Mode ID O MCCI_RM000100IHE - Send Message Payload Message.processingModeCode CS CNE R
Version ID VID R MCCI_RM000100IHE - Send Message Payload Message.versionCode CS CNE O
Version ID ID O MCCI_RM000100IHE - Send Message Payload Message.versionCode CS CNE O
Internationalization Code CE O
International  version ID CE O
Sequence Number NM O XCCI_RM000100 - Send Message Payload Message.sequenceNumber INT R
Continuation Pointer ST O
Accept Acknowledgment Type ID O XCCI_RM000100 - Send Message Payload Message.acceptAckCode CS CNE R
Accept Acknowledgment Type ID O XCCI_RM000100 - Send Message Payload Message.acceptAckCode CS CNE R
Country Code ID O Mapped Country Code to AD data type. See table below.
Character Set ID O  Part of the XML preamble
Principal Language of Message CE O MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act ControlActProcess.languageCode CE CWE Y R
Identifier ST Y R
Text ST O Y R
Name of coding system IS O Y R
Alternate Character Set Handling Scheme ID O
Conformance Statement ID ID O
Event Type Code ID R MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act ControlActProcess.code CD CWE O
Recorded Date/Time TS R MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act ControlActProcess.effectiveTime IVL<TS> O
Date/Time NM O MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act ControlActProcess.effectiveTime IVL<TS> O
Degree of Precision ST O
Date/Time Of Planned Event TS O
Date/Time NM O
Degree of Precision ST O
Event Reason Code IS RE MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act ControlActProcess.reasonCode SET <CE> CWE O
Operator ID XCN R MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act dataEnterer.typeCode CE CWE Y R
ID Number (ST) ST R MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090100
Family Name FN O MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090101 - PN data type
given name ST O MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090101 - PN data type
Second or other given names or initials thereof ST O MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090101 - PN data type
suffix (e.g., JR or III) ST O MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090101 - PN data type
prefix (e.g., DR) ST O MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090101 - PN data type
degree (e.g., MD) IS O MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090101 - PN data type
source table IS O MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090107 - II data type
assigning authority HD R MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090107 - II data type
name type code ID O MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090107 - II data type
Identifier check digit ST O MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090107 - II data type
Code identifying the check digit scheme employed ID O MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090107 - II data type
identifier type code (IS) IS R MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090107 - II data type
assigning facility HD R MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090107 - II data type
Name Representation code ID O MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090107 - II data type
name context CE O MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090107 - II data type
name validity range DR O MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090107 - II data type
name assembly order ID O MFMI_RM700200 - Registry Control Act Y R Map to CMET (ASSIGNED) R_AssignedPerson (universal) COCT_MT090107 - II data type
Event Occurred TS O
Date/Time NM O
Degree of Precision ST O
Event Facility HD O MCCI_RM000100 - Send Message Payload Organization.id SET <II> Y R Mapped SET<II> data type components to v2.5 HD components. See table above.
Namespace ID IS O Y R
Universal ID ST O Y R
Universal ID type ID O Y R
Patient Identifier List CX RE PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise



SET<II> Y R Mapped II data type components to v2.5 CX components. See table above.
Check digit ST O Not applicable
Code identifying the check digit ID O Not applicable
assigning authority HD R Y
identifier type code (ID) ID R Y
assigning facility HD R Y
effective date (DT) DT RE Patient.effectiveTime IVL<TS> N O
expiration date DT RE Y
Patient Name XPN RE PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise
Family Name FN R Person.name LIST<PN> Y R Mapped LIST<PN> and II data types components to v2.5 XPN components. See table below.
given name ST O Y
Second or other given names or initials thereof ST O Y
suffix (e.g., JR or III) ST O Y
prefix (e.g., DR) ST O Y
degree (e.g., MD) IS O Y
name type code ID R Y
Name Representation code ID O Y
name validity range DR O Y
name assembly order ID O Y
Mother's Maiden Name XPN RE PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise ParentClient.id Reference CMET COCT_MT030200. Map LIST<PN> and II data types components to v2.4 CX components.
Family Name FN R Y
given name ST O Y
Second or other given names or initials thereof ST O Y
suffix (e.g., JR or III) ST O Y
prefix (e.g., DR) ST O Y
degree (e.g., MD) IS O Y
name type code ID R Y
Name Representation code ID O Y
name context CE O Y
name validity range DR O Y
name assembly order ID O Y
Date/Time of Birth TS RE PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise
Date/Time NM R Person.birthTime TS O
Degree of Precision ST O
Administrative Sex IS RE PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise Person.administrativeGenderCode CS CNE R
Patient Alias XPN O PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise Mapped PN and II data types components to v2.5 XPN components. See table above.
Family Name FN O Person.name BAG<PN> Y R
given name ST O Y R
Second or other given names or initials thereof ST O Y R
suffix (e.g., JR or III) ST O Y R
prefix (e.g., DR) ST O Y R
degree (e.g., MD) IS O Y R
name type code ID O Y R
Name Representation code ID O Y R
name context CE O Y R
name validity range DR O Y R
name assembly order ID O Y R
Patient Address XAD RE PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise
street address (SAD) SAD R Person.addr BAG <AD> Y R Mapped AD data type components to v2.5 XAD components. See table below.
city ST R Y R
state or province ST R Y R
zip or postal code ST R Y R
country ID R Y R
address type ID R Y R
address representation code ID O Y R
address validity range DR O Y R
Phone Number - Home XTN RE PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise
TN R Person.telecom BAG <TEL> Y R Mapped TEL data type components to v2.5 XTN components. See table above.
telecommunication use code ID R Y R
telecommunication equipment type (ID) ID O Y R
Email address ST O Y R
Country Code NM O Y R
Area/city code NM O Y R
Phone Number NM O Y R
Extension NM O Y R
any text ST O Y R
Phone Number - Business XTN RE Mapped TEL data type components to v2.5 XTN components. See table above.
telecommunication use code ID R Y R
telecommunication equipment type (ID) ID O Y R
Email address ST O Y R
Country Code NM O Y R
Area/city code NM O Y R
Phone Number NM O Y R
Extension NM O Y R
any text ST O Y R
Primary Language CE RE PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise
Identifier ST O LanguageCommunication.languageCode CE CWE R
text ST O R
Name of coding system IS O R
SSN Number - Patient ST O PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise OtherIDs.id SET <II> R
Driver's License Number - Patient DLN O PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise OtherIDs.id SET <II> R
Driver's License Number ST O Y R Mapped II data type for DLN data type. See table above.
Issuing State, province, country IS O Y R
expiration date DT O Y R
Mother's Identifier CX RE PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise PersonalRelationship.relationshipHolder.id II Y R Mapped II data type for CX data type. See table above.
Check digit ST O Y R
check identifying the check digit scheme employed ID O Y R
assigning authority HD O Y R
identifier type code(ID) ID R Y R
assigning facility HD O Y R
effective date (DT) DT O Y R
expiration date DT O Y R
Ethnic Group CE O
Birth Order NM RE PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise Person.multipleBirthOrderNumber R
Patient Death Date and Time TS RE PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise Y R
Date/Time NM O PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise Person.deceasedTime TS O
Degree of Precision ST O
Patient Death Indicator ID RE PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise Person.deceasedInd BL O
Last Update Date/Time TS O Metadata
Date/Time NM O Metadata
Degree of Precision ST O
Last Update Facility HD O Metadata
Namespace ID IS O Metadata
Universal ID ST O Metadata
Universal ID type ID O Metadata
Set ID - NK1 SI R PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise PersonalRelationship.id
Name XPN O COCT_MT030207UV – E_Person (informational) CMET Person.name LIST <PN> Y R Mapped PN data type components to v2.5 XPN components. See table above.
family name FN O Y R
given name ST O Y R
Second or other given names or initials thereof ST O Y R
suffix (e.g., JR or III) ST O Y R
prefix (e.g., DR) ST O Y R
degree (e.g., MD) IS Y R
name type code ID O Y R
Name Representation code ID O Y R
name context CE O Y R
name validity range DR O Y R
name assembly order ID O Y R
Relationship CE R PRPA_RM201301IHE - Patient Activate/Revise PersonalRelationship.code R
identifier ST O
text ST O
Name of coding system IS O
Date/Time of Birth TS O R
Date/Time NM O Y R
Degree of Precision ST O Y R
Next of Kin/Associated Party's Identifiers CX R COCT_MT030207UV – E_Person (informational) CMET  Person.id SET<II> Mapped II data type to CX data components. See table above.
Check digit ST O Y R
check identifying the check digit scheme employed ID O Y R
assigning authority HD R Y R
identifier type code(ID) ID R Y R
assigning facility HD R Y R