Mobile Antepartum Summary US Realm
1.0.0-comment - ballot International flag

This page is part of the Mobile Antepartum Summary US Realm (v1.0.0-comment: Publication Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 mAPS US National Extension Home
... 2 Test Plan
... 3 Changes to Other Specifications
... 4 Download and Analysis
... 5 Significant Changes and Issues
... 6 Artifacts Summary
.... 6.1 Advance Directives
.... 6.2 Antapartum Summary US Realm
.... 6.3 activity-1
.... 6.4 activity-2
.... 6.5 activity-3
.... 6.6 Amanda Alvarez example
.... 6.7 Amanda Alvarez Father example
.... 6.8 Antepartum Summary
.... 6.9 Diagnostic Report Example for Gestational Diabetes
.... 6.10 Diagnostic Report Example for Sepsis
.... 6.11 Employment Status example
.... 6.12 Encounter Example for APS
.... 6.13 Estimated Delivery Date example
.... 6.14 ex-AdvanceDirectives-BloodTransfusion
.... 6.15 ex-AlbuminPresenceInUrine
.... 6.16 ex-Allergy-Fish
.... 6.17 ex-Allergy-Latex
.... 6.18 ex-AnnotationComment
.... 6.19 ex-Antepartum-Genetic-Screening
.... 6.20 ex-AntepartumLabs
.... 6.21 ex-AntepartumVisitSummaryFlowsheetBattery
.... 6.22 ex-bloodpressure-amanda-alvarez
.... 6.23 ex-CarePlan-BirthPlan
.... 6.24 ex-careteam
.... 6.25 ex-CervicalCanalExternalosDiameterUltrasound
.... 6.26 ex-CervixLengthUltrasound
.... 6.27 ex-Coverage
.... 6.28 ex-Coverage-Organization
.... 6.29 ex-DateNextClinicVisit
.... 6.30 ex-DateOfFirstPrenatalVisit
.... 6.31 ex-DateOfFirstPrenatalVisit-AmandaAlvarez
.... 6.32 ex-DateOfLastLiveBirth-AmandaAlvarez
.... 6.33 ex-DateOfLastMenstralPeriod
.... 6.34 ex-DomesticViolenceRisk
.... 6.35 ex-Edema
.... 6.36 ex-EffacementCervixPalpitation
.... 6.37 ex-FetalBodyWeightPalpation
.... 6.38 ex-FetalBodyWeightUltrasound
.... 6.39 ex-FetalHeartRateAuscultation
.... 6.40 ex-FetalHeartRateUltrasound
.... 6.41 ex-FetalMovementReported
.... 6.42 ex-FetalPresentationPalpitation
.... 6.43 ex-FetalPresentationUltrasound
.... 6.44 ex-FrequencyOfMenstrualCycles
.... 6.45 ex-GestationalAge
.... 6.46 ex-GlucosePresenceinUrine
.... 6.47 ex-GlucosePresenceinUrineTestStrip
.... 6.48 ex-goal
.... 6.49 ex-HCGPositive-Positive
.... 6.50 ex-Homelessness
.... 6.51 ex-Immunization-Vericella
.... 6.52 ex-medicationStatement
.... 6.53 ex-NumberOfPregnancies
.... 6.54 ex-PainSeverityReported
.... 6.55 ex-PregnancyEducationObservation
.... 6.56 ex-PretermLaborSymptoms
.... 6.57 ex-Problem-GestationalDiabetes
.... 6.58 ex-Problem-Sepsis
.... 6.59 ex-Procedure-CephalicVersion
.... 6.60 ex-Procedure-EducationSmoking
.... 6.61 ex-ServiceRequest-EducationSmoking
.... 6.62 ex-UterusFundalHeight
.... 6.63 Example Family history condition - colon cancer
.... 6.64 History Of Infection example
.... 6.65 mAPS Organization example
.... 6.66 mAPS Practitioner example
.... 6.67 Menstrual Status example
.... 6.68 p1
.... 6.69 Physical Exam Abdominal tenderness example
.... 6.70 pr1
.... 6.71 pr2
.... 6.72 Pregnancy Estimated Due date example
.... 6.73 Pregnancy History observation example
.... 6.74 Pregnency Status - pregnant example
.... 6.75 Social History alcohol Use example
.... 6.76 Social History smoking Tobacco Use example
.... 6.77 Social History smoking Tobacco Use example
.... 6.78 Vital Signs Body Weight example
.... 6.79 Vital Signs Body Weight example