Mobile Antepartum Summary
1.0.0-comment - ballot International flag

This page is part of the Mobile Antepartum Summary (v1.0.0-comment: Publication Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Example MedicationStatement: ex-medicationStatement

Generated Narrative: MedicationStatement

ResourceMedicationStatement "ex-medicationStatement"

Profile: Medication Statement (IPS)

Security Labels:

status: active

category: Outpatient (Medication usage category codes#outpatient)

medication: Product containing amoxicillin (medicinal product) (SNOMED CT#27658006)

subject: Patient/ex-Patient-AmandaAlvarez " ALVAREZ"

effective: 2023-01-02

dateAsserted: 2023-01-08

informationSource: Patient/ex-Patient-AmandaAlvarez " ALVAREZ"

note: indicates they miss the occasional dose


sequence: 1

text: 5ml three times daily

asNeeded: false

route: Oral dose form (SNOMED CT#385268001)


maxDosePerPeriod: 3 mL (Details: UCUM codeml = 'ml')/1 mL (Details: UCUM codeml = 'ml')